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In Fransys, projects act as dedicated places for your applications, ensuring that everything needed is organized in one place. Each project is a self-contained ecosystem, allowing you to develop, test, and deploy applications without worrying about interference from others.

Whether you’re working on a small prototype or a complex production application, projects help you manage resources efficiently. This structure keeps changes isolated, so you can innovate freely and confidently.

Creating a Project

To create a project, simply navigate to the Projects section and click on the New Project button.

You can rename projects to your liking, making it easier to identify them later. The names do not need to be unique, and are purely cosmetic.

Project status

The status of the project is an aggregate of the status of all the project’s blocks.

Shutting down a project

When you shut down a project, all the resources associated with it are un-deployed. You keep of the configuration, but for now lose any stateful data so please be careful.

Offline projects do not consume any resources and therefore are free, so you can keep them around for later use.

Deleting a project

Before deleting a project, you must first undeploy it, so make sure you backup any stateful data first.

Once offline, you can delete the project via the projects list. Be mindful, as this action is irreversible.